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Programme: The Bigger Picture
Presenter: Simon Rose
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Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: What would a "no deal" Brexit be like?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: What would a "no deal" Brexit be like?
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University ponders what a "no deal" Brexit might be like if we had to fall back on the WTO default option. He also looks at the growing number of Russian journalists fighting back against disinformation and fake news and laments the worsening situation in Venezuela, where inflation has now passed 40,000%.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Heathrow, NHS & Brexit

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Heathrow, NHS & Brexit
Political commentator Mike Indian discusses the vote to expand Heathrow and the way in which the two main parties have both done 180-degree turns, the extra money pledged for the NHS and where it might come from and the latest developments in the ongoing saga that is Brexit.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: The monopolistic problems of the NHS

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: The monopolistic problems of the NHS
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University considers recent NHS scandals and wonders whether the monopolistic nature of medicine is largely to blame. He also considers how culture wars are replacing class wars and what this might mean for British politics and the debate over legalisation of cannabis. Finally, he considers whether Brexit might lead to more and better immigration.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Dissecting Trump's diplomacy

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Dissecting Trump's diplomacy
Political commentator Mike Indian looks at Donald Trump's recent "diplomacy", drawing North Korea back into the international fold while also undermining the recent G7 meeting and laying into supposed "allies". He also takes a look at the Government's remarkable ability to keep its Brexit show on the road in Parliament.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: The barely-reported US-Russia battle in Syria

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: The barely-reported US-Russia battle in Syria
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University examines the virtually-unreported battle in Syria earlier this year between US commandos and Russian mercenaries. He also discusses recent statements from Michael Gove and Priti Patel and asks what the Conservative Party actually stands for and poses the question everyone wants the answer to, what IS going to happen with Brexit.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Italy and Trade Wars

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Italy and Trade Wars
Mike Indian, political commentator and author of the Groucho Tendency blog, discusses the hot political topics of the moment. He looks at what could happen to the Euro and the EU in the light of Italy's political crisis and whether there will be another election soon. With President Trump imposing steel and aluminium tariffs on US allies, what effect will the EU's tough response have? Will the chaos over Govia Thameslink's timetables increase support for rail nationalisation? And will Ruth Davidson's call on Theresa May to abandon the net migration target bear fruit?

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Could Italy endanger the EU?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Could Italy endanger the EU?
Professor Tim Evans looks at Italy's new government and considers whether its policies might pose a bigger problem for the EU than Brexit, at the Swiss Vollgeld referendum which, aiming at ending fractional reserve banking, is making Central Bankers nervous and at the Orwellian nightmare facing a persecuted minority in China.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Does Brexit still mean Brexit?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Does Brexit still mean Brexit?
Political commentator Mike Indian considers whether Theresa May's position has become untenable, and what extending the UK's membership of the customs union would mean. He also looks at the recent local election results and wonders why Labour didn't do better, as well as discussing the East Coast Line being taken back under state control.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Trump's foreign policy

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Trump's foreign policy
Tim Evans, Professor of Business and Political Economy at Middlesex University, looks at Trump's foreign policy, particularly with regard to North Korea and tearing up the Iran deal. He examines Britain's position on Galileo and the UK's plan to launch a rival, discusses Britain's first national private police force since the Georgian era and wonders what black cabbies will make of flying taxis.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: What does Sajid Javid's appointment mean?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: What does Sajid Javid's appointment mean?
Political commentator and author of The Groucho Tendency blog, Mike Indian looks at Amber Rudd's resignation and at Sajid Javid's appointment, wondering what it will mean for the Government and its handling of the Windrush scandal and wondering if Javid might be the next Tory leader. He also takes a look at the accusations of bullying against Speaker Bercow.

Mike Indian
