Share Sounds. from The Share Radio Evening Show presented by Simon Rose

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Strand: Share Radio Breakfast
Programme: The Share Radio Evening Show
Presenter: Simon Rose
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Simon Rose

Retailers are saying they expect strong sales over Christmas.

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

Retailers are saying they expect strong sales over Christmas.
Retailers are saying they expect strong sales over Christmas. New research has found that 60% of outlets say they're more confident about trading this year compared with 2015, with 53% expecting revenues to increase. It's believed the weaker pound will encourage people not to go abroad - and therefore stay and shop - but also encourage the tourist trade. Interestingly fewer retailers are taking part in Black Friday this year - suggesting parts of the industry may be resisting what some see as unwelcome discounting over the festive period. Simon Rose spoke to Ian Gilmartin, Head of Retail & Wholesale at Barclays, who conducted the survey.

Simon Rose

What do you expect from Wednesday's Autumn Statement?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

What do you expect from Wednesday's Autumn Statement?
The Chancellor Philip Hammond will deliver his first Autumn Statement on Wednesday, the 23rd of November. It will be his first opportunity to outline his priorities for taxes and spending in the wake of the Brexit vote. The Office for Budget Responsibility, the Government's fiscal watchdog, will also reveal its latest forecasts for growth, unemployment and inflation, which will help to shape the way policymakers respond to the referendum result. Commenting ahead of the Autumn Statement, Trevor Greetham, Head of Multi Asset at Royal London Asset Management, joined Simon.

Simon Rose

The Business of Film with James Cameron Wilson

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

The Business of Film with James Cameron Wilson
The Business of Film with film critic, James Cameron Wilson looking at the biggest winners and losers at the box office this week.

James Cameron Wilson

Simon Rose

How is MyBnk trying to improve financial awareness amongst young people?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

How is MyBnk trying to improve financial awareness amongst young people?
Children are worryingly lacking in financial awareness with both teachers and parents to blame for not talking enough about money. According to new statistics from the Money Advice Service just 7% of 7-17 year olds had spoken to their teachers about finances whilst only around a third had received advice from parents. One charity trying to improve financial awareness amongst young people is MyBnk and our reporter Tom Hill spoke to their CEO Guy Rigden to find out more.

Simon Rose

Have Black Friday and Cyber Monday a key fixture in the UK shopping calendar?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

Have Black Friday and Cyber Monday a key fixture in the UK shopping calendar?
Black Friday and Cyber Monday started off as an American import- but has it become a key fixture in the UK shopping calendar? UK households will spend £175 on average on those days according to a survey by To find out more about this Simon Rose spoke to joined by Martyn John at Gocompare Credit Cards

Simon Rose

The Entrepreneur Show: Dean Dempsey inventor of Naturelly

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

The Entrepreneur Show: Dean Dempsey inventor of Naturelly
Every week on The Entrepreneur Show we meet interesting people behind some interesting businesses around the UK. This week, Simon speaks to Dean Dempsey inventor of Naturelly- a healthy fruit jelly snack for children which is gelatin free.

Simon Rose

Why did the UK's entrepreneurial performance reach a five year high in the lead up to the EU referendum?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

Why did the UK's entrepreneurial performance reach a five year high in the lead up to the EU referendum?
The UK's entrepreneurial performance reached a five year high in the lead up to the EU referendum. According to Barclays' eighth Entrepreneurs Index, it increased by 10% since 2011, to an all time high, and is bouncing back after a decline in 2014. It's not all good news though, the index warns of a lack of new scale up businesses and that uncertainty could harm growth. To find out more, Olivia Demetriades was joined by Richard Heggie, Head of High Growth & Entrepreneurs at Barclays and began by asking how entrepreneurs fared in the run up to the Brexit vote.

Simon Rose

The View from The Valley: Sarah Soule, Senior Associate Dean, and The Morgridge Professor of Organizational Behavior at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

The View from The Valley:  Sarah Soule, Senior Associate Dean, and The Morgridge Professor of Organizational Behavior at Stanford Graduate School of Business
It's time for A View from the Valley - our regular update from the US on the world of entrepreneurs and business. This week Simon spoke to Sarah Soule, Senior Associate Dean, and The Morgridge Professor of Organizational Behavior at Stanford Graduate School of Business about design thinking.

Simon Rose

You don't need to earn millions to feel wealthy in the UK today.

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

 You don't need to earn millions to feel wealthy in the UK today.
You don't need to earn millions to feel wealthy in the UK today. The latest research from Lloyds Bank reveals the perceptions of wealth in the UK. It found that those who claim to feel wealthy on average earn £65,810, with a household income of £86,170. However, many people who feel wealthy have significant levels of equity in their homes and own an investment property. To discuss the findings in more detail, Simon Rose was joined by Sarah Deaves, Private Banking Director at Lloyds Bank.

Simon Rose

The City watchdog has put forward plans for a shake-up of the £7 trillion asset management industry to ensure investors get a better deal

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

The City watchdog has put forward plans for a shake-up of the £7 trillion asset management industry to ensure investors get a better deal
The City watchdog has put forward plans for a shake-up of the £7 trillion asset management industry to ensure investors get a better deal. To remedy this situation, the Financial Conduct Authority has proposed a single fee for investors in funds in the world's second largest asset management market but has stopped short of recommending a cap on fees. The Competition and Markets Authority, which has published the interim findings of its market study, found weak price competition in some areas, a lack of transparency, potential conflicts of interest and sustained profitability among asset managers, despite a large number of companies in the space. We got a reaction on the findings, Mark Pugh, PwC's UK asset management leader.
