Share Sounds. presented by Simon Rose

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Presenter: Simon Rose
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Simon Rose

Gadgets & Gizmos: The review of 2021

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Gadgets and Gizmos

Gadgets & Gizmos: The review of 2021
Steve Caplin, Share Radio's technology editor, looks back over some of the best and weirdest tech from 2021. Listen again to tales of a Tesla hearse, pigs playing computer games, the first-ever Tweet selling for $2.5m, transparent wood, fluorescent potatoes, the Tesla bot (or not), cosmic concrete, latrine-trained cows, Dog TV, a face mask using Ostrich extract to detect Covid and a ribald Polish-singing cactus.

Steve Caplin

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: The case for investment trusts

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: The case for investment trusts
Jonathan Davis, editor of the Investment Trusts Handbook, tells Simon Rose what makes investment trusts special and why investors should consider their merits. He explains the differences to other types of funds, including the premium and discount. He discusses the yields on alternative assets (including renewable energy and even music royalties) and how trusts can continue paying dividends even in bad years. The handbook, from Harriman House, is available in hardbook or free as an ebook (

Jonathan Davis

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Highlights of Professor Tim Evans in 2021

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Highlights of Professor Tim Evans in 2021
At the end of 2021, we feature some of the topics covered during the year by Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University. In conversation with Simon Rose, Tim discussed the tensions in eastern Europe and why Germany is so beholden to Putin's Russia, the death of the Californian Dream, Ed Balls' examination of the crisis in the UK care system, science's Replication Crisis and why Lord Frank Field was ahead of his time in his ideas on unemployment benefit.

professor tim evans

Simon Rose

The Business of Film: Spider-Man - No Way Home, Louis Wain & Swan Song

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Business Of Film

The Business of Film: Spider-Man - No Way Home, Louis Wain & Swan Song
James Cameron-Wilson looks at the latest state of UK cinema where Spider-Man: No Way Home is shattering box office records, with a US take of $253m. It's Tom Holland's 6th outing as the webslinger. He was engaged rather than stirred but loved The Electrical Life of Louis Wain w. Benedict Cumberbatch, out on New Year's Day. He found Swan Song, a futuristic domestic drama wonderful and very intelligent.

James Cameron-Wilson

Simon Rose

Gadgets & Gizmos: Virtual property boom, NFT trainers & the surprising "Product of the Year"

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Gadgets and Gizmos

Gadgets & Gizmos: Virtual property boom, NFT trainers & the surprising "Product of the Year"
Share Radio's tech whizz Steve Caplin looks at the virtual property boom where an online plot of land sold for $2.4m, at non-fungible token trainers, eye drops to improve vision, biodegradable single-use batteries, a space factory, facial recognition software in the Co-op, reviving wooly mammoths by gene-editing Asian elephants and a rather unlikely Which? Product of the Year.

Steve Caplin

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: A look back and a look ahead, Janus-like

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: A look back and a look ahead, Janus-like
Russ Mould of A J Bell looks back at 2021, with record highs in the US, India and France and the UK doing creditably and with a decent yield. Oil rose 40% year on year and may yet surprise in 2022 while government bonds were disappointing. Gold surprised by doing little, despite the return of inflation. Looking ahead, Russ believes commodities and real assets may be the safest things, although the actions of central banks will still determine the state of the markets.

Russ Mould

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Looking at the year through 3 politicans: Merkel, Johnson & Biden

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Looking at the year through 3 politicans: Merkel, Johnson & Biden
Political commentator Mike Indian channels his inner Marley to look at politicians past, present & future. He assesses the void that will be left by the departing German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, perhaps the most impactful world leader of modern times. He asks if the goodwill shown towards Boris Johnson is running out and ponders what his legacy will be. And he wonders if Joe Biden can use his remaining time to bring about the considerable reforms that are necessary in the United States.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

Investor Conferences: Panel Sesson - Sustainable & Social Investing in a Post-Covid World

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

Investor Conferences: Panel Sesson - Sustainable & Social Investing in a Post-Covid World
Join the Sustain:Social panel session in December '21, considering the outlook for investors in the wake of the COP26 in Glasgow. The panel comprises of - Chair: Rodney Hobson Panel: Gervais Williams (Premier Miton Group); Jamie Broderick (Impact Investing Institute); Mohan Gundu (Sustainable Funds Group); Mike Appleby (Liontrust Sustainable Investment team); Gavin Oldham (The Share Foundation / Share Radio).

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Investing with rising inflation and interest rates

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Investing with rising inflation and interest rates
Russ Mould of A J Bell wonders if the Bank of England is behind the curve, raising interest rates from 0.1% to 0.25%. CPI inflation is 5.1% with RPI the highest in 30 years. He gives an example of a company already implementing double-digit price rises. If investors think inflation and interest rates are set to rise further, Russ offers advice. What's worked for the past decade and more may no longer be sensible in the future.

russ mould

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Egalitarian Capitalism and Is Boris Johnson still a lucky General?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Egalitarian Capitalism and Is Boris Johnson still a lucky General?
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University discusses with Simon Rose the ideas behind Egalitarian Capitalism as espoused by Gavin Oldham OBE, amongst other things the founder of Share Radio. He's keen to see a world with inter-generational rebalancing, where everyone has a disintermediated stake in capitalism (for more, see Tim also asks if Boris Johnson is still a lucky general or are his days numbered?

Professor Tim Evans
