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Programme: The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors
Presenter: Simon Rose
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Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Has normality returned to markets & are bonds worthwhile again?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Has normality returned to markets & are bonds worthwhile again?
Laith Khalaf of A J Bell tells Simon Rose that, to a large extent, normality has been restored to financial markets since Rishi Sunak becamse Prime Minister. Although the Autumn Statement has been delayed to November 17, the markets appear not be too concerned. Laith explains what the markets are expecting when the MPC meets next week and advises investors to keep an eye on bonds, which – although not beating inflation – are considerably more interesting than a year ago.

Laith Khalaf

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: The new Chancellor and the markets & the prospect of a recession

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: The new Chancellor and the markets & the prospect of a recession
Victoria Scholar of Interactive Investor tells Simon Rose how the markets have reacted to the new Chancellor and his fiscal strategy. She discusses the resilience of the bond markets now the Bank of England's emergency intervention has ended – for the time being at least. And she explains how she feels that a recession for the UK is now an inevitability.

Victoria Scholar

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Contrarian investing after 14 years of mispricing money unravels

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Contrarian investing after 14 years of mispricing money unravels
Russ Mould of A J Bell looks at the housebuilding sector and wonders if, in a tidal wave of bearishness, this is an opportunity for contrarian investors. He suggests bond yield proxies such as REITs are worth looking at. There are many types and, though offices may not fill again, the likes of supermarkets and online warehouses won't vanish. What we're seeing in the markets, he says, is the result of money being mispriced for 14 years and the encouragement of leverage and unwitting encouragement of complexity.

Russ Mould

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: What the cut in oil output could mean for global growth

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: What the cut in oil output could mean for global growth
Victoria Scholar of Interactive Investor looks at the rally in the oil price in the wake of Opec+ planning to cut oil output by 2 million barrels a day. While this may mean more misery for the motorist, it could benefit oil companies, despite Shell slumping after its pre-earnings announcement. But with many countries teetering on the edge of recession, could the higher oil price depress economies still further?

Victoria Scholar

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: What should investors do in these markets?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: What should investors do in these markets?
Russ Mould of A J Bell is slightly puzzled by some of the market reaction to the UK mini-budget, given how little debt, relatively speaking, is being added to the whole, though realising how poorly it was presenting. He thinks investors should get rid of anything causing discomfort in their portfolios as that discomfort could get much greater. He offers advice on the sort of stocks investors should be holding and, for reasons of diversification, wonders if short-term bonds might be worthwhile. But if there's a big shakedown, he says, then bargains will appear.

Russ Mould

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Interest rate decisions from the Fed and the BoE

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Interest rate decisions from the Fed and the BoE
Victoria Scholar of Interactive Investor discusses with Simon Rose the Fed's hiking of interest rates by 75 basis points, with indications they have further to go. The move strengthened the dollar still further. In the UK, the Bank of England opted for a 50 basis point rise, rather than 75 (the highest level since 2008), with the MPC split over the decision. With the pound continuing to weaken, she also discusses why former ratesetter Danny Blanchflower has said investors should short sterling.

Victoria Scholar

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: The tenure of company CEOs

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: The tenure of company CEOs
With Ben van Beurden stepping down as CEO of Shell, Russ Mould of A J Bell looks at the tenure of senior chief executives. With 9 years at the helm, he's the 24th-longest serving FTSE100 boss, the average currently being 6 years. Perhaps it was just a good time to leave. Russ also looks at the growing list of companies showing signs of demand ebbing or cost pressures building – or both.

Russ Mould

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook: David Gardner of Motley Fool Money on Investing During Tough Markets

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook: David Gardner of Motley Fool Money on Investing During Tough Markets
2022 has been a challenging year for stocks in general, and rule-breaker stocks specifically. But the companies you buy during difficult times can become the best investments you make. Chris Hill talks with David Gardner, co-founder of The Motley Fool and Chief Rule Breaker, about: - Maintaining a “net buyer mindset” during a downturn - 2 books that can help you improve your investing mindset - Investing lessons from Zoom’s “short strange trip” Stocks mentioned: ZM, GOOG, GOOGL, SPCE Host: Chris Hill Guest: David Gardner

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Markets worry about central banks but should ignore politicians

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Markets worry about central banks but should ignore politicians
Russ Mould of A J Bell says that, for the moment, markets are dancing to the central banks' tune, with the Fed talking tough and the Bank of England and European Central Bank following in their wake. He also explains why investors in it for the long term should not try to second-guess what politicians are going to do.

Russ Mould

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Why Jackson Hole is vital this year

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Why Jackson Hole is vital this year
Victoria Scholar of Interactive Investor tells Simon Rose why the Jackson Hole central bank symposium in Wyoming is so important this year and what we might expect Fed Chair Jay Powell to say. With the severity of inflation a major driver of markets, we can expect them to be jittery for some time. In the UK, the new price cap will have a big effect on the CPI numbers.

Victoria Scholar
