Share Sounds from Share Radio Afternoon presented by Simon Rose

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Strand: Share Radio Evening Show
Programme: Share Radio Afternoon
Presenter: Simon Rose
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Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture- Pete Comley on inflation figures

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

The Bigger Picture- Pete Comley on inflation figures
In The Bigger Picture Share Radio’s inflation expert Pete Comley talks about why CPI has shot up to 2.7% and why the new inflation measure incorporating housing is MASSIVELY distorting reality.

Pete Comley

Simon Rose

The Magazine Review: OBR confirms weak growth of UK economy

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

The Magazine Review: OBR confirms weak growth of UK economy
On our latest Magazine Review, we looked at some of the stories dominating the pages of the country's leading business magazines, including Hammond's plan to rise national insurance for the self-employed, and the OBR confirming the weak growth of the UK economy. This much more with Hazel Sheffield, Freelance Multimedia Journalist, and Nick Britton, Head of Training at the Association of Investment Companies.

Hazel Sheffield

Simon Rose

The Apprentice Investor: Tempted by US tech?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

The Apprentice Investor: Tempted by US tech?
Regular listeners to the show will know that our Apprentices are four members of the Share Radio team who've each been given fifteen thousand pounds of virtual money to build their own share portfolios. They have a minimum of eight stocks, which they've been buying and selling through The Share Centre for the past couple of years. Today Share Radio's Simon Rose was joined in the studio by Apprentices Matt Cox and Valsa de Winter. Standing by with advice and useful observations was Share Radio's sparkling Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher.

Valsa De Winter, Matt Cox, Ed Bowsher

Simon Rose

The peso effect: How Mexico could shrug off Trump

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

The peso effect: How Mexico could shrug off Trump
Mexico has seen its currency dive, bracing for a hit from Trump. But on this week's Share Radio Magazine Review, our guests tackled an article from MoneyWeek arguing Mexican economy could have the last laugh. Share Radio's Alex Clark reports.

Simon Rose

Reaction to the Supreme Court ruling from one of the key plaintiffs, Gina Miller

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

Reaction to the Supreme Court ruling from one of the key plaintiffs, Gina Miller
For an update on the Supreme Court ruling Share Radio's Ed Bowsher spoke to one of the key plaintiffs Gina Miller --founding partner for the firm SCM Private

Simon Rose

Can a post-Brexit deal with Trump be reached?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

Can a post-Brexit deal with Trump be reached?
Donald Trump has praised Britain for its decision to leave the European Union in an interview with Tory MP Michael Gove in The Times today. Trump also said he would sign a trade deal with the UK post-Brexit. But given the president-elect's more protectionist stance on trade, what will this mean for future dealings? John Curtice, Professor of Politics at Strathclyde University, talks through this and more with Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher.

Simon Rose

The Weeks Update: From Russia with love

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

The Weeks Update: From Russia with love
This is the Weeks Update - our catch-up with Share Radio's economic commentator Professor John Weeks. Inaugurations mark new chapters in American politics. When a would-be president steps up to take the Oath of Office, the entire country is meant to step up with them. Wounds of the campaign season should be healed, while attention turns to the road ahead. It's perhaps unprecedented though, for a ceremony to be shadowed by fears that the road may have been chosen by a foreign power. Donald Trump begins his presidency amidst allegations from all of America's intelligence agencies of Russian electoral inference. And yet it was only last week that Trump budged on continued scepticism of the US intelligence community's conclusions. Should the intelligence community - both in the US and here in the UK - be nervous about the new President's arrival? And what exactly does Russia want? As well as Professor Weeks, Share Radio's Simon Rose was joined by Sir David Omand, a former head of GCHQ, now visiting professor at King's College, London and a former UK Intelligence and Security Coordinator.

Simon Rose

Emerging Opportunities: Big players for 2017

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

Emerging Opportunities: Big players for 2017
Welcome to Emerging Opportunities, our chance to spend half an hour in some of the farther flung investment markets. Joining Simon Rose in the studio was Gavin Serkin managing editor of the Frontier Funds Consultancy, and the author of 'Frontier: Exploring the Top Ten Emerging Markets of Tomorrow'. Their guest on the show today was Aberdeen Asset Management's emerging markets fixed income money manager Kevin Daly, for a insight into the latest news and moves in emerging markets.
