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Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Where will the FTSE go now?

Simon Rose
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The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Where will the FTSE go now?
Russ Mould, Investment Director at A J Bell, marvels at the recovery of the FTSE to a higher level than it stood before the pandemic hit the UK. But how secure is its current level and where will it go from here? Now with a 3.5% yield and dividends growing rapidly, Russ assesses the FTSE's growth prospects and says that your outlook will be coloured by whether you feel the UK is out of the pandemic woods yet or not.

Russ Mould

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Why trend-following may trump fundamental analysis

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Why trend-following may trump fundamental analysis
Tim Price of Private Value Partners explains why he thinks technical analysis - particularly trend-following - may be a more useful discipline than fundamental analysis. He recounts the anecdote of the true-life counterparts of the film Trading Places, with so-called novice investors, called "turtles", taught an investment system, with many of them becoming hugely successful. He points out the downside of index investing and believes that the early warning of problems with the world's burgeoning debts may first be seen in the foreign exchange markets, which central banks are not big enough to control.

Tim Price

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Why value investors need patience - lots of it

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Why value investors need patience - lots of it
Tim Price, director of Price Value Partners, looks at why benchmarking to stock market indices is a bad idea and why investors should think more about the preservation of capital than chasing the latest market fads. Tim discusses the surge of interest in cryptocurrencies, why gold is less rampant and why value investors, of which he is one, need considerable patience. Citing the ignominious debut of Deliveroo amongst other things, Tim senses the market may be on the point of a big change of sentiment.

Tim Price

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Small caps as a market indicator

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Small caps as a market indicator
Russ Mould, investment director of A J Bell, looks at the performance of small cap companies. After a year of outperformance, of late they have come off the boil. He looks at their potential for being the acorns from which big businesses might emerge but also considers whether their recent lack of lustre might be a useful leading indicator.

Russ Mould

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: One year on from the market low

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: One year on from the market low
One year on from the market lows of March 2020, Russ Mould, Inestment Director of A J Bell, looks at what has done best - and what has done worst - in the 12 months since. In retrospect, he points out, what seemed to be the safest areas when everything was bleakest turned out to be the most dangerous. Explaining why first Asian and then Emerging Markets have done well, he says that, within the UK, the sectors that have performed best have been oil and financials.

Russ Mould

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: If the market is in a bubble, what stage are we at?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: If the market is in a bubble, what stage are we at?
Russ Mould, Investment Director of A J Bell, asks whether markets are currently in a bubble. If they are, what are the various stages common to bubbles over the years and the centuries and what stage have we reached? For those investors concerned we ARE now in bubble territory, what are the options? And, as an aside, why do the regulations (and blame) always concentrate on short selling and not the overenthusiastic buying that drives the bubble in the first place?

Russ Mould

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook: Which Chancellors have been the best friends of the markets?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook: Which Chancellors have been the best friends of the markets?
Russ Mould, investment director of A J Bell, has crunched the numbers to ascertain which Chancellors of the Exchequer have presided over the biggest rise int he All-Share Index and those who have been the most costly. He stresses the important of accounting for inflation, which changes the picture somewhat and reiterates just how important the current debate over whether inflation is returning could be to the safety of investors' portfolios.

Russ Mould

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Have bonds finally reached their tipping point?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Have bonds finally reached their tipping point?
Russ Mould, Investment Director of A J Bell, highlights the current danger in bonds. After a bull run lasting over three decades, are there signs that the end is nigh? Gilt yields are rising, most quickly in some outlying markets and there are signs inflation might soon be beginning to simmer. And if this is the end of an extraordinary period, what might it mean for the equity market?

Russ Mould

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Can miners restore the FTSE yield and is inflation returning?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Can miners restore the FTSE yield and is inflation returning?
Russ Mould, Investment Director of A J Bell asks whether, in the light of the increase in mining company dividends, the miners can dig the FTSE 100 out of its dividend hole, particularly given the cautious dividend stance exhibited by Barclays. He discusses the cyclical nature of the mining sector and wonders if its strength, and the strength of so many commodities, might be an indicator of inflation expectations.

Russ Mould

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Markets over one year of Covid and the inflation debate

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Markets over one year of Covid and the inflation debate
Russ Mould, Investment Director of A J Bell, takes a look back at the markets to see how they have behaved over the year since they first reacted to the approach of the virus. He compares and contrasts the behaviour of stocks sectors and countries before and after Pfizer Monday in November. He believes that investors should consider the current debate over whether inflation is about to return and readjust their portfolio if they do think it's on the way back.

Russ Mould
