Share Sounds.

Podcast Directory

Ed Mitchell

The Week That Was: Ian Forrest of The Share Centre wraps up a busy week

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

The Week Ahead

The Week That Was: Ian Forrest of The Share Centre wraps up a busy week
Ian Forrest, Investment Research Analyst at The Share Centre, takes a look at the week that was and the week ahead

Ian Forrest

Georgie Frost

This Is Money

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money
The team from this is money, the award winning financial website, are back in the studio with Georgie for their weekly catch up. This week they take a look at: the UK's relationship with the EU; robots on the rise in the workplace; the likelihood of young people having to work up until they die; and haggling for you insurance.


In partnership with

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Are there any new signs of a house price meltdown?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 8:00

Morning Money: Are there any new signs of a house price meltdown?
Grainne Gilmore, Head of Knight Frank UK Residential Research, talks about the Knight Frank monthly house price sentiment report. Some analysts have been calling time on the property market for months, notably in London. Yet it seems that households in all UK regions saw increases in the value of their homes. So what is the overall picture? And is the rate of growth slowing? Grainne explains.

Sara Sjölin, Grainne Gilmore

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Francesco Guerrera of Politico on the EU Summit waiting game

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Francesco Guerrera of Politico on the EU Summit waiting game
Francesco Guerrera, Associate Editor and Chief Financial Correspondent at Politico Europe, joined Nigel Cassidy and Sara Sjölin after the first EU Council session ended in the early hours of Friday morning with no agreement on several key issues. Before negotiations reconvened, Francesco looked at what stage the talks were at.

Sara Sjölin, Francesco Guerrera

Simon Rose

The Share Radio Travel Guide- Episode 36

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Travel Guide

The Share Radio Travel Guide- Episode 36
Our look into the world of all things travel-related. From how to save money on your daily commute, to how to get the best value on your holiday, to what you need to know about doing business abroad. Guest: Sarah Tucker

Sarah Tucker

Ed Mitchell

Investment Perspectives: Why is the Eurozone not at risk of imminent deflation? With Michel Martinez of Societe Generale

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

Ed's Macro-Economic View

Investment Perspectives: Why is the Eurozone not at risk of imminent deflation? With Michel Martinez of Societe Generale
Michel Martinez, Chief Euro Economist at Societe Generale Corporate & Investment Banking, joins us in studio to discuss Societe Generale's recent study showing that the Eurozone is not at risk of imminent deflation, though further deflation remains a possibility down the line

Michel Martinez

Ed Mitchell

Investment Perspectives: OECD revises down forecasts for the global economy

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

Global News Perspectives with Ed Mitchell

Investment Perspectives: OECD revises down forecasts for the global economy
In light of disappointing recent data, the OECD have again revised down their forecasts for the global economy. Emerging economies, considered the engines of growth only a few years ago, continue to slow while advanced economies have undergone at best modest growth. So why has robust global growth remained elusive and more importantly what urgent policy responses has the OECD called for? For answers Share Radio's Alexi Phillips spoke to Catherine Mann, chief economist at the OECD, earlier today

Catherine Mann

Ed Mitchell

The Investment Trust Show: How to generate income in a world where dividends are being cut?

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

The Investment Trust Show

The Investment Trust Show: How to generate income in a world where dividends are being cut?
On this week's episode of The Investment Trust Show Share Radio's Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher, Jeremy Beckwith, Director of Manager Research for MorningStar UK and Job Curtis, fund manager of The City of London Investment Trust plc, Henderson Global Investors discuss UK equity income.

Jeremy Beckwith, Job Curtis


In partnership with

Henderson Global Investors
Glen Thompsett

Share Daily - Thursday

Glen Thompsett
Original Broadcast:

Share Daily

Share Daily - Thursday
This is Share Daily, a look back at some highlights from Share Radio over the last 24 hours. It's your opportunity to catch up with the best of Share Radio, where we bring you news and views on stocks and shares, talk to successful entrepreneurs and offer advice which could make and saves you money. In today's programme, Glen Thompsett takes a look at David Cameron's proposal to win backing for his EU reforms, the latest unemployment figures, teaching children digital skills, HSBC staying in Britain, and the rise of the robot in the workplace.

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: “There’s a chronic undersupply of housing” - The FMB's Brian Berry offers a solution

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: “There’s a chronic undersupply of housing” - The FMB's Brian Berry offers a solution
Westminster is piling the pressure on Britain’s biggest housebuilders to raise their construction output to meet an acute shortage of homes, that's according to The FT. Brian Berry, Chief Executive at the Federation of Master Builders, has his take on the problem: he wants to see a fast track planning process for house building. He joins Share Radio Morning Money to discuss.

Louise Cooper, Brian Berry
