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Programme: The Bigger Picture
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Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: How to ameliorate NHS waiting lists, the crisis in policing & nuclear fusion

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: How to ameliorate NHS waiting lists, the crisis in policing & nuclear fusion
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University looks at the shocking growth in NHS waiting lists and wonders if providing tax breaks on private health provision for the elderly might prove a helpful way forward. He also considers the crisis in policing, suggesting a possible solution, even though few politicians might be willing to think long enough ahead. And he ends on an optimistic note, hoping that the recent breakthrough at JET might herald a coming age of nuclear fusion.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: The cost-of-living crisis, can Boris survive and is Russia sabre-rattling over Ukraine?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: The cost-of-living crisis, can Boris survive and is Russia sabre-rattling over Ukraine?
Political commentator Mike Indian looks at the energy price cap increase and the general rise in the cost of living, as well as the Government's attempts to ameliorate the effects of inflation in an era of rampant political short-termism. He examines the waning popularity of Boris Johnson and asks if the PM can survive, feeling the May local elections could prove crucial. And he turns his attention to the Ukraine, wondering if Russia is merely sabre-rattling or if Putin is seriously considering an invasion.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: The end of globalisation, is Labour still divided & is inflation massively under-counted?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: The end of globalisation, is Labour still divided & is inflation massively under-counted?
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University asks whether we are seeing the end of the second great age of globalisation and wonders how the future will be different. With the Tories in free fall, he ponders whether there are still divisions within Labour. And he reflects on the way inflation is calculated and how it may not reflect the experience of the less well-off.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Prime Minister's Question Time

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Prime Minister's Question Time
With Simon Rose taking a well-earned break and with an action-packed PMQ on Wednesday, please enjoy 55 minutes of democratic challenge at its best. Christian Wakeford (circled in the image) has just switched sides from Conservative to Labour, Sir Keir Starmer's on the warpath, and Boris is fighting back - at last. Enjoy!

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Has Boris's luck run out, Putin's sabre-rattling & mistaken Brexit predictions

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Has Boris's luck run out, Putin's sabre-rattling & mistaken Brexit predictions
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University asks if Boris ("lucky general") Johnson's luck has finally run out and wonders where the truly big beasts of British politics are these days. He ponders the military dangers of Putin's ineffective and declining economic model. And he cocks a snook at many supposed "experts" whose predications about the effect of Brexit now seem very wide of the mark.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: NHS backlog, Covid Plan B, rising energy bills & Blair's knighthood

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: NHS backlog, Covid Plan B, rising energy bills & Blair's knighthood
In the first Bigger Picture of the Year, political commentator Mike Indian talks to Simon Rose about the problems faced by the NHS in dealing with its backlog, about the Government's Plan B for Covid, about rising energy bills and the cost of living generally and about the objections to Tony Blair being awarded a knighthood.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Highlights of Professor Tim Evans in 2021

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Highlights of Professor Tim Evans in 2021
At the end of 2021, we feature some of the topics covered during the year by Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University. In conversation with Simon Rose, Tim discussed the tensions in eastern Europe and why Germany is so beholden to Putin's Russia, the death of the Californian Dream, Ed Balls' examination of the crisis in the UK care system, science's Replication Crisis and why Lord Frank Field was ahead of his time in his ideas on unemployment benefit.

professor tim evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Looking at the year through 3 politicans: Merkel, Johnson & Biden

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Looking at the year through 3 politicans: Merkel, Johnson & Biden
Political commentator Mike Indian channels his inner Marley to look at politicians past, present & future. He assesses the void that will be left by the departing German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, perhaps the most impactful world leader of modern times. He asks if the goodwill shown towards Boris Johnson is running out and ponders what his legacy will be. And he wonders if Joe Biden can use his remaining time to bring about the considerable reforms that are necessary in the United States.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Egalitarian Capitalism and Is Boris Johnson still a lucky General?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Egalitarian Capitalism and Is Boris Johnson still a lucky General?
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University discusses with Simon Rose the ideas behind Egalitarian Capitalism as espoused by Gavin Oldham OBE, amongst other things the founder of Share Radio. He's keen to see a world with inter-generational rebalancing, where everyone has a disintermediated stake in capitalism (for more, see Tim also asks if Boris Johnson is still a lucky general or are his days numbered?

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Partygate & the PM, new Covid rules and the case for compulsory vaccination

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Partygate & the PM, new Covid rules and the case for compulsory vaccination
Political commentator Mike Indian looks at "Partygate" and the resignation of Allegra Stratton, as well as the fine over the refurbishment of the PM's Downing Street flat. With polls indicating a hung Parliament if there was a snap election, he asks what it would take for the PM to go. He considers the latest Covid rules and discusses how heavy they might get - could Christmas be cancelled again? And he puts the case for mandatory vaccination as an alternative to recurring shutdowns of society.

Mike Indian
