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Programme: The Bigger Picture
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Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: The IMF's dire warning, the UK's Brexit mistakes and students' politics excitement

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: The IMF's dire warning, the UK's Brexit mistakes and students' politics excitement
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University discusses the IMF's dire warnings on the state of the world economy, the eight mistakes made by Britain's Brexit negotiators and the way in which the UK's political turmoil is leading to an upsurge in applications to study politics at university.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Week That Was And The Week Ahead; Just Eat, Reckitt, AstraZeneca & RBS

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Week That Was And The Week Ahead; Just Eat, Reckitt, AstraZeneca & RBS
Helal Miah of The Share Centre looks at recent company news involving Just Eat, Reckitt Benckiser, AstraZeneca and Royal Bank of Scotland. And he looks ahead to what we might expect from HSBC, Lloyds Bank, Standard Chartered, BP, Next and Glaxo.

Helal Miah

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: The Brexit deal, a General Election and the Queen's Speech

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: The Brexit deal, a General Election and the Queen's Speech
Political commentator Mike Indian assesses the deal struck between Boris Johnson and the EU. But with the DUP claiming they will not vote for the deal, is there a chance of getting it through the House of Commons? Mike expects a General Election next month and feels the Queen will be having to make another speech very soon.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Institutional decline and reputation and obituaries to die for

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Institutional decline and reputation and obituaries to die for
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University considers the issue of institutional decline and asks if modern organisations – whether private of public – have lost track of how to assess their reputation in the eyes of their customers, instead using statistics to prove that everything is wonderful. And admitting his obsession with obituaries, Tim looks at the death of a former editor of The Morning Star.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Labour & Tory conferences, Boris's NI proposals and the Supreme Court

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Labour & Tory conferences, Boris's NI proposals and the Supreme Court
Political commentator Mike Indian, present at the Labour Party Conference when the Supreme Court decision was announced, looks at what that means for Parliament and the Brexit process. He analyses that conference and that of the Conservatives and explains Boris Johnson's Northern Ireland proposals and considers how they may be received in the UK, Ireland and by the EU.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Labour conference, Conservative voters & The Supreme Court

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Labour conference, Conservative voters & The Supreme Court
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University considers the many twists and turns at Labour's Party Conference in Brighton and wonders if Momentum is turning into phut. He looks at a pollster's analysis of the concerns of regional Conservative voters which appear to confound popular thought. And he looks at the long-term implications of the Supreme Court Decision and whether the UK should have a written constitution.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Parliamentary democracy, our constitution and David Cameron

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Parliamentary democracy, our constitution and David Cameron
With the Supreme Court weighing up the prorogation of Parliament, political commentator Mike Indian considers where the power lies in our parliamentary democracy and how MPs should behave if they disagree with their constituents. He ponders whether the UK would be better off with a written constitution and, with the publication of his memoirs, believes that David Cameron is the last gasp of a bygone political era.

Mike Indian

Ed Bowsher

The Bigger Picture: Better than expected Brexit economy

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Better than expected Brexit economy
This week, Ed Bowsher speaks to Professor Tim Evans from Middlesex University. They discuss how the UK economy seems to be performing pretty well with a fall in unemployment in spite of Brexit concerns. Tim also highlights the terrible situation in Zimbabwe and suggests what the government needs to do before it can attract finance from the IMF. And finally, Tim looks at new research from Chatham House which highlights how Russia is using the internet to target the families and friends of members of the armed forces.

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: The Eurozone "doom loop" and the last free lunch in finance

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: The Eurozone "doom loop" and the last free lunch in finance
Tim Price of Price Value Partners discusses the Eurozone "doom loop", with negative interest rates impacting banks' business models and leading to the destruction of money while bail-in rules cause a slow-motion (but quickening) bank run as funds seek safety in government bonds. Tim explains why the ECB's new head Christine Lagarde may be powerless to stop a deflationary recession, why gold is back in favour and why diversification may be the last free lunch in finance.

Tim Price

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Prorogation, Venezuela & Surveillance Capitalism

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Prorogation, Venezuela & Surveillance Capitalism
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University looks at the political furore over the prorogation of Parliament and asks what it really means. He updates us on the situation in Venezuela where it transpires Nicolas Maduro has been talking to the White House and where Reuters has exposed Cuba's true influence. And he looks at the new age of Surveillance Capitalism, the topic of a new book by Shoshana Zuboff.

Professor Tim Evans
