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Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Boris in Europe, chances of a General Election and the state pension

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Boris in Europe, chances of a General Election and the state pension
Political commentator Mike Indian looks at Boris Johnson's meetings with Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron and reckons that if no deal has been arranged by September 30th, a no-deal Brexit is inevitable. He rates the chance of a General Election the day after Halloween at 80% and looks at the report that the state pension age might have to rise to 75.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Trouble for Putin, heavily negative interest rates and coming global challenges

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Trouble for Putin, heavily negative interest rates and coming global challenges
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University looks at recent but growing protests in Russia and why they spell problems for Putin. He looks at the dangers for democracy of even more deeply negative interest rates. And he ponders the coming global challenges and whether China's strength will turn out to be sustainable.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Boris's Union tour, votes of no confidence and the role of Dominic Cummings

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Boris's Union tour, votes of no confidence and the role of Dominic Cummings
Political commentator Mike Indian discusses what lessons we can take from the Lib Dem win at the Brecon and Radnorshire by-election. He looks at Boris Johnson's tour of the Union and the Scottish swing in favour of independence. He considers the options left to Remainers to stop the country leaving the EU on October 31st and the role that Dominic Cummings is playing in the new government.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: How China runs business, Boris & Brexit and the Power of Political Powerlessness

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: How China runs business, Boris & Brexit and the Power of Political Powerlessness
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University looks at how the state runs business in China, at the changed attitude of Boris Johnson's government to Brexit and the backstop and at the power of political powerlessness with reference to Steve Baker's refusal of a junior ministerial post.

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Boris Johnson becomes Prime Minister

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Boris Johnson becomes Prime Minister
Political commentator Mike Indian discusses the resignation of Theresa May and her final PMQ and the election of Boris Johnson as leader of the Conservative Party and thus the new Prime Minister. What sort of PM will he make? What are the good and bad points of his cabinet reshuffle and does it contain enough governing experience? What is Boris's vision? And with the election of Jo Swinson as leader of the Lib Dems, could she soon be the kingmaker after a General Election?

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Boris & immigration; NATO & Turkey; do we need offices?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Boris & immigration; NATO & Turkey; do we need offices?
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University discusses what he feels will be Boris Johnson's attitude towards immigration, assuming he becomes Conservative Party leader and the PM. He looks at the dilemma of NATO member Turkey buying a Russian air defence system. Lastly, he wonders if the days of the office are numbered, questioning whether in many cases we actually need them at all.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Kim Darroch; Tory leadership debate; Labour, Brexit & anti-semitism

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Kim Darroch; Tory leadership debate; Labour, Brexit & anti-semitism
Political commentator Mike Indian examines the resignation of Sir Kim Darroch, the UK's American ambassador and wonders whether Donald Trump's suggestion of Nigel Farage in the post might come to pass. He considers who came out on top in the Tory leadership debate on TV and mulls over Labour's latest shift on Brexit and its response to the Panorama programme on anti-Semitism in the party.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Political history or a blip?; dandies and punks; Britain and the space race

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Political history or a blip?; dandies and punks; Britain and the space race
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University considers the latest opinion poll putting Labour in fourth place and wonders if history is being made or whether it is just a temporary blip? He looks at the politics and culture of music and dress from punk and Thatcher's new romantics through to a very modern dandy. And he comments on the race to be Europe's first spaceport, which may be won by Britain.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Boris vs Hunt, HK protests and currency wars and Chernobyl on TV

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Boris vs Hunt, HK protests and currency wars and Chernobyl on TV
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex Collect compares and contrasts the two contenders for the leadership of the Conservative Party, Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt. He also considers whether the protests in Hong Kong are emblematic of bigger stresses and strains involving the US, China and Europe. Lastly, he looks at the Sky/HBO TV series, Chernobyl, which he considers one of the best political TV dramas of all time.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Facebook's new currency & why your cash might not be safe in banks

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Facebook's new currency & why your cash might not be safe in banks
Tim Price, director at Price Value Partners discusses the move towards a cashless society and whether it's an inevitable consequence of the financial crisis. What effect might the advent of Facebook's new cryptocurrency, Libra, have on banks, central banks and even governments and their control of money? What might the possibility of a Marxist government in the UK mean for investors? Tim posits the possibility that cash in banks may shrink overnight!

Tim Price
