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Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: The political battle of ideas

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: The political battle of ideas
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex Business School looks at the battle of ideas in UK politics in the wake of the Labour party conference. Where are the stresses within Labour and how will it deal with Brexit? Can the Liberal Democrats fill a vaccum in the centre ground? What is the Conservative party now FOR?

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Deal or no-deal?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Deal or no-deal?
Mike Indian, political commentator and author of The Groucho Tendency blog, discusses with Simon Rose the outcome of the EU summit in Salzburg where leaders of the 27 other member states discussed Brexit. With the head of the European Council Donald Tusk saying that May’s Chequers plan would not work, what does that mean for the Prime Minister and her plan. Is a no-deal Brexit now more likely. Mike also highlights the leaked Tory dossier about who might replace May, which gives pitchy comments on the chances of the possible candidates. Ahead of the Labour Party conference, he looks at Labour’s democracy review and the possibility of the party endorsing a call for a second Brexit referendum.

Mike Indian

Ed Bowsher

The Bigger Picture: New Centre Party, Penny Mordaunt, and Burma

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: New Centre Party, Penny Mordaunt, and Burma
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University discusses whether a new centre party will emerge in the UK following the anti-semitism crisis in Labour. He also reviews an article by Tory rising star, Penny Mordaunt, the International Development Secretary, and finally asks why Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi hasn't stopped the oppression of the Rohingya Muslims.

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Novichock, Trump and Labour

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Novichock, Trump and Labour
Political commentator Mike Indian, author of The Groucho Tendency blog, discusses the international response to the UK's conclusions that Russia WAS responsible for the Novichok poisonings. He also examines the anonymous New York Times article written by a Trump administration insider, as well as looking at the resignation of Labour's Frank Field and the party's attempts to get on top of the antisemitism row.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Sino-Russian war games, Taliban losses and UK black-market guns

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Sino-Russian war games, Taliban losses and UK black-market guns
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University talks to Simon Rose about the biggest war games since the end of the Cold War and why the Russians have invited the Chinese to take part. He also discusses whether the Taliban are on the back foot in Afghanistan and uses the discovery of a gun factory in East Sussex to look at the history of the UK government cracking down on gun ownership.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Corbyn, a no-deal Brexit & Trump

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Corbyn, a no-deal Brexit & Trump
Political commentator Mike Indian, author of the Groucho Tendency blog, looks at Jeremy Corbyn's Edinburgh speech, assessing his attitude towards journalism, new media and the BBC. He also looks at the Government's no-deal Brexit plans and the divisiveness of the calls for a second EU referendum. He also wonders how the calls for Donald Trump's impeachment might affect the US President's behaviour.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: China's plans to reshape the world

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: China's plans to reshape the world
Professor Tim Evans of The MIddlesex Business School examines China's authoritarian plans to reshape the world, looks at what Turkey's monetary woes may mean economically and strategically and wonders why the recent protests in Romania have not opened the rest of the EU's eyes to the true nature of the government.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Whither or wither the world economy?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Whither or wither the world economy?
Economist Andrew Kenningham of Capital Economics discusses the world economy with Simon Rose. How big a deal is the burgeoning trade war? What will happen next? How healthy are the Chinese and American economies? Where do the risks lie? And how will the UK fare with the Brexit outcome still uncertain?

Andrew Kenningham

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: US/EU tariff & European demographic challenges

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: US/EU tariff & European demographic challenges
Tim Evans of Middlesex University looks at the US/EU discussions on tariffs, at the arrival of "soundness signalling", at the demographic challenges being faced by some European countries and at the way in which governments are ignoring some of the more positive aspects of cryptocurrencies.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Brexit, antisemitism & Boris

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Brexit, antisemitism & Boris
As the UK's MPs head off for their summer hols, political commentator Mike Indian looks at the latest Brexit developments including Justine Greening's call for a second referendum, the Lib Dems absence from a Commons vote and Jeremy Hunt's debut as Foreign Secretary. He also examines what the row about antisemitism and the Labour Party demonstrates about Jeremy Corbyn's leadership and looks at what Boris Johnson has been up to since leaving the Foreign Office.

Mike Indian
