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Simon Rose

The Week That Was: BHP, Persimmon, John Wood & Costain

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Week That Was

The Week That Was: BHP, Persimmon, John Wood & Costain
Helal Miah of The Centre looks at recent results from BHP Billiton, Persimmon, John Wood Group and Costain. He looks forward to numbers due from Bunzl, Petrofac, W H Smith and Hays.

Helal Miah

Simon Rose

Business of Film: Christopher Robin

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Business Of Film

Business of Film: Christopher Robin
James Cameron-Wilson looks at a remarkable UK box office, with 8 films taking more than a million pounds at the weekend. He reviews Disney's Christopher Robin, The Equalizer 2 and The Festival. He also discusses the home video release of Beast and looks at the flop that is Kevin Spacey's latest film.

James Cameron Wilson

Simon Rose

Gadgets & Gizmos: Space tennis

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Gadgets and Gizmos

Gadgets & Gizmos: Space tennis
Steve Caplin regales us with tales of tennis at the International Space Station, AI-generated art that is going to be sold at Christies in New York, meat fraud, a pocket tripod the size and shape of a credit card, a bottle with an automatically-opening lid and a shopping app innovation from Sainsbury's.

Steve Caplin

Simon Rose

Motley Fool Money: Retail Winners and Losers

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Motley Fool Show

Motley Fool Money: Retail Winners and Losers
Want to keep up with the latest earnings updates from the States? Well join Chris Hill and the Motley Fool Radio Show team here on Share Radio, direct from Washington DC, for news, views and analysis of the US stocks that matter. In this week's show: Walmart racks up its fastest sales growth in a decade; Nordstrom dazzles; Macy’s slips; J.C. Penney plummets; Home Depot nails it; And Amazon goes to the movies.

Chris Hill

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Smart Meters, Ticketmaster and how to avoid being a CV cliché!

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Smart Meters, Ticketmaster and how to avoid being a CV cliché!
Welcome to 1984 – the hidden twist in the smart meter saga that could see suppliers take control of your account. Plus, victory for the fans as Ticketmaster takes a significant step to combat 'professional' touts. Also…Can you get on the property ladder with £10 thousand, and how to avoid being a CV cliché!

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: The Business Doctor

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: The Business Doctor
Adam talks to city lawyer Clive Halperin from GSC on the life cycle of a business and what the key events throughout that life are that may need the help of a business doctor. From the legal entity at conception to the growth stages and problems with accessing finance or sacrificing equity for investment. They also discuss the issues that can lead to the death of a business and also discuss why businesses rarely have the equivalent of a health check.

Clive Halperin

Peter Urwin

Economist Questions: Workplace Conflict, The End of Us and Them?

Peter Urwin
Original Broadcast:

Economist Questions

Economist Questions: Workplace Conflict, The End of Us and Them?
Recent decades have seen radical change in the way that conflict is dealt with in UK workplaces. Collective industrial action has been replaced by pursuit of individual employment rights through litigation, via Employment Tribunals (ETs). Richard Saundry is Professor of HRM & Employment Relations at Plymouth University Business School. He has written extensively on workplace conflict and brings a wealth of experience, including time spent at NUM HQ at the start of the 1990s. Peter and him consider why employees in certain types of firm report higher levels of conflict; whether ‘vexatious’ ET claims represent a significant cost to firms and discuss how conflict is resolved in the modern workplace. In this modern setting, what role is there for the union movement and what are the implications of Brexit?

Richard Saundry

New Economics Foundation

NEF: How Do We Empower People to Take Action on Climate Change?

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: How Do We Empower People to Take Action on Climate Change?
In this special edition of the Weekly Economics Podcast from its Archive, the issue of climate change is back on the global news agenda. We explore some of the possible solutions, debate what real action looks like and how those most affected can be the most powerful agents for change. It’s easy to feel defeated when the environmental crises we face are so immediate and huge. But action is urgently needed. David Powell, Environment Lead at the New Economics Foundation, takes over hosting duties and is joined by Alice Bell, Director of Communications at 10:10, and Asad Rehman, Executive Director at War on Want.

David Powell, Alice Bell, Asad Rehman

Sue Dougan

Track Record: Andy Cope

Sue Dougan
Original Broadcast:

Track Record

Track Record: Andy Cope
Dr Andy Cope is a psychologist who has written extensively about the power of positive mood and thought and runs The Art of Brilliance, delivering workshops on the topic of ‘happy’. He lectures widely, and has worked with the workforces of some leading organisations – IKEA, DHL and Toyota among them. He favours smiley-face t-shirts rather than suits, and says that only about 2% of the population are stand out happy and positive, and that we can learn a lot from them if we allow ourselves to catch their ‘contagious poistivity’. He’s also a children’s author.

Andy Cope

Simon Rose

Share Interview: ChargedUp, "The Boris Bike of phone chargers"

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Interview

Share Interview: ChargedUp, "The Boris Bike of phone chargers"
If your smartphone has ever run out of better, Hugo Tilmouth has the solution for you. His company, ChargedUp, is establishing a system enabling people to borrow portable batteries, much in the same way as they do bikes. He discusses the venture with Simon Rose, explaining how it came about, how it works and how the company hopes to expand in the future.

Hugo Tilmouth
