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Simon Rose

In My Experience: Jerry Hayes - former Conservative MP, barrister & political commentator

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

In My Experience: Jerry Hayes - former Conservative MP, barrister & political commentator
This is In My Experience, where Share Radio's Simon Rose grapples with inspiring stories that shape careers. On today's programme, Simon is joined by Jerry Hayes - former Conservative MP, barrister & political commentator. Full of tall tales of unspeakable debauchery, Jerry provides a thundering account of the offbeat lunacy of Westminster, Fleet Street and his life.

Jerry Hayes

Simon Rose

Share Politics: A frosty Moscow trip

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

Share Politics: A frosty Moscow trip
It's time to talk politics: top diplomats from Russia and the United States are meeting in Moscow to try to work out differences over Syria.

Sarah Lowther

Market Wrap: Tesco unveils first rise in UK sales for seven years

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

Market Wrap:  Tesco unveils first rise in UK sales for seven years
On today's Wrap: Tesco unveils its first rise in UK sales for seven years while operating profits, which reflects the performance of the business, have broken through the £1bn mark, wage growth slips below the rate of inflation - putting a squeeze on household spending power, profits at bookseller and stationer WH Smith rise 3.75% over the last six months and much more. Sarah Lowther is joined in studio by Russ Mould, investment director at AJ Bell.

Russ Mould

Ed Bowsher

Could Brexit push Britain out of the Space Race?

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

Could Brexit push Britain out of the Space Race?
Could Brexit push Britain out of the Space Race? UK companies are concerned that they could be frozen out of lucrative European space contracts once Britain has left the EU. That's because Brussels has laid out new terms for the multi-billion euro "Galileo" satellite navigation system. These terms mean the UK would have to negotiate new security relationships to keep working on the project post-Brexit. To discuss this more Ed was joined by Professor Martin Barstow, Director of the Leicester Institute of Space & Earth Observation.

Ed Bowsher

Was a foreign government responsible for the collapse of a referendum voter registration site?

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

Was a foreign government responsible for the collapse of a referendum voter registration site?
Foreign governments, such as Russia and China, may have been responsible for the collapse of a voter registration website in the run-up to the EU referendum, that's according to the House of Commons public administration and constitutional affairs committee. To find out more, Ed spoke to John Ashmore, Chief reporter at Politics Home.

Ed Bowsher

Has Tesco finally turned it around?

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

Has Tesco finally turned it around?
Tesco's results today were mixed with same store sales rising 0.9% even though pre-tax profits fell 39% due to exceptional costs arising from the accounting scandal in 2014. For more on these results Ed spoke with Ben Kumar of 7 Investment Management.

Ed Bowsher

How can companies fly through Social media storms?

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

How can companies fly through Social media storms?
US Airline United are at the centre of a social media storm after a video emerged of them dragging a man from a flight and apparently injuring him in the process. The internet was quick to vent vitriol at the company on Twitter, Facebook, and elsewhere. So what kind of damage do these social media reactions cause companies? And can they control the fire of internet user anger? Matt Cox asked Dan Appleby, Head of Client Services at social media marketing agency Drummond Central, and the North East city head of the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, to find out more.

Matt Cox

Juliette Foster

Moneywise: How can you cut down on the rising costs of train travel?

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Moneywise: How can you cut down on the rising costs of train travel?
Moneywise product researcher Adam Williams and web manager Gary Adams join Juliette in the studio. They look at how to keep down the rising costs of train travel and the best methods of budgeting to get your finances in order.

Adam Williams, Gary Adams

Juliette Foster

Food and drink predicted to drive of consumer spending this Easter

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Food and drink predicted to drive of consumer spending this Easter
UK high streets are expected to be busy this Easter weekend, with forecasters predicting an increase in the number of people going out to spend money on food and drink. Figures from retail analyst Springboard predict an 8.8% increase in footfall, a reversal of last year's decline. To find out what's driving consumer spending Share Radio's Tom Hill spoke to Diane Wehrle, marketing and insights director at Springboard.

Diane Wehrle, Tom Hill

Juliette Foster

The Entrepreneur Show: Founder of Ella's Kitchen + Paddy's Bathroom, Paul Lindley

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

The Entrepreneur Show: Founder of Ella's Kitchen + Paddy's Bathroom, Paul Lindley
This week on the Entrepreneur Show Juliette Foster meets Paul Lindley - founder of the children’s food brand "Ella’s Kitchen", named after his daughter, and the toddler toiletries brand "Paddy’s Bathroom", named after his son.

Paul Lindley
