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Georgie Frost

UK Money Blogger: Young People and Money

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

UK Money Blogger: Young People and Money
Every week, around 100 experts in all, take to the social media site to kick off the week and share experiences, tips and questions on anything money related. This week they discussed young people and money. To find out what they covered Georgie Frost was joined in the studio by Kalpana Fitzpatrick - whose site is:

Kalpana Fitzpatrick

Linda Lewis (1)

Company Casebook: Master Investor Ltd

Linda Lewis (1)
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

Company Casebook: Master Investor Ltd
That's Company Casebook with Linda Lewis where we’re finding out all about the business of exhibition management, talking to the firm behind the Master Investor show - held last Saturday at the Business Design Centre in Islington - and featuring the likes of investment gurus Jim Mellon and one-time UKP donor Arron Banks on stage. With over 4,000 private investors attending and over 100 exhibitors taking part to showcase their investment offerings, we'll be hearing from the organisers as to why they believe putting on investor shows is a growth area. And why people should get investing themselves to beat the banks' low interest rates.

Georgie Frost

The News Review: A round-up of the new 12-sided coin

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

The News Review: A round-up of the new 12-sided coin
Georgie Frost was joined by Sara Benwell, Consumer Editor at Good Housekeeping this morning. Today on the agenda, they discussed how uSwitch has been defending its service after reports it wasn't showing customers the best available deals. Plus they look into the new 12-sided one pound coin entering circulation today. All these stories and more on The News Review.

Sara Benwell

Georgie Frost

Prime Minister May and Nicola Sturgeon meet to discuss indyref2. Was it a frosty reception?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Prime Minister May and Nicola Sturgeon meet to discuss indyref2. Was it a frosty reception?
Georgie Frost was joined by Jack Sommers of the Huffington Post to look at some of the biggest political stories of the day. Theresa May has held talks with Scotland's First Minister as she prepares to formally trigger the Brexit process. The Prime Minister and Nicola Sturgeon met at a hotel in Glasgow for around an hour, where they also discussed the prospect of a second independence referendum. What came out of the meeting? The Scottish Parliament is expected to pass a vote in favour of seeking another independence referendum later.

Jack Sommers

Georgie Frost

Tesco slapped with a £129m fine for overstating its 2014 profits

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Tesco slapped with a £129m fine for overstating its 2014 profits
Nigel Cassidy joined Georgie Frost to discuss the main market headlines of the morning, starting with Tesco being hit with a 129 million pound fine for overstating its profits in 2014. The supermarket giant said its subsidiary - Tesco Stores - had reached a deal with the Serious Fraud Office following a two-year investigation. It means the chain will avoid prosecution as long as it pays the fine and fulfils other requirements. We've also hard from Ladbrokes Coral and Thomas Cook. What have they announced?

Nigel Cassidy

Nigel Cassidy

How will the new 12-sided pound coin affect the vending industry?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

How will the new 12-sided pound coin affect the vending industry?
Today, the new 12-sided pound coin is entering circulation. The coin has not changed in 30 years, however due to the high volume of fake pound coins in circulation - up to three in every 100 - Royal Mint and The Treasury had no choice but to protect the integrity of currency in the UK and change the coin. So what does this huge change mean for the vending industry? There's half a million vending machines which will require a software upgrade. Jonathan Hart, CEO of Automatic Vending Association spoke to Nigel Cassidy this morning.

Jonathan Hart

Nigel Cassidy

The number job vacancies rises 3.5%, but how will this change under Brexit?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

The number job vacancies rises 3.5%, but how will this change under Brexit?
According to the latest Adzuna Job Market Report, the total number of job vacancies has increased by 3.5%, highlighting the growth within the jobs market and the diversity in terms of opportunities available for jobseekers. In terms of salaries, monthly wage growth has started to pick up speed, rising 0.3% between January and February. Generally the report looks positive, however with Theresa May about to trigger Article 50, the job market could see another shake-up. Joining Nigel Cassidy is Becky Barr, author of the report to discuss further.

Becky Barr

Nigel Cassidy

Housebuilder Inland Homes are 'in good shape' with more projects in the pipeline, says Chief Executive Stephen Wicks

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Housebuilder Inland Homes are 'in good shape' with more projects in the pipeline, says Chief Executive Stephen Wicks
Inland Homes, a leading brownfield regeneration specialist and housebuilder has released it's half year results today. Earlier last week the company also announced it had received planning permission to develop a site in High Wycombe and has secured resolutions for planning consent to be granted at a number of other sites, taking its total pipeline to 2,340 permitted plots. So, good news for the housebuilders. How are the numbers looking? To tell us more, Nigel Cassidy was joined by Stephen Wicks, Chief Executive of Inland Homes.

Stephen Wicks

Nigel Cassidy

Totally plc release their full year results, aiming to be the UK's leading non-hospital healthcare provider

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Totally plc release their full year results, aiming to be the UK's leading non-hospital healthcare provider
Totally Plc, the company providing out-of-hospital healthcare across the UK, released it's latest full year results today. The AIM-listed company has big ambitions and is aiming to become the UK's leading provider in it's sector. The company's prospects have certainly appealed to some, Chairman Robert (Bob) Holt (also Chairman of Mears Group, DX, Lakehouse and a few others) purchased 76,977 shares of the company’s stock in a transaction on Friday, March 17th. Bob joined Nigel Cassidy to discuss further.

Bob Holt

Simon Rose

Gadgets & Gizmos: Interactive programmes on Netflix

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

Gadgets & Gizmos: Interactive programmes on Netflix
Technology is changing almost every aspect of daily life and business and finance is no exception. Share Radio's Simon Rose and Steve Caplin, Share Radio's technology editor, look at the big technological changes that impact on the world of business, finance and money as well as some of the gadgets that help make everyday life a bit easier. On today's programme: Netflix is to start making interactive programmes, Speedlite - world's first controlled lighting stem for bikes, the US Army fires its first 3D printed grenade and much more.

Steve Caplin
