Share Sounds from The Investment Trust Show

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Strand: Share Sunday
Programme: The Investment Trust Show
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Ed Mitchell

The Investment Trust Show: Small Caps

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

The Investment Trust Show

The Investment Trust Show: Small Caps
James Henderson is Fund Manager of Lowland Investment Company plc and Stuart Widdowson is Fund Manager of Strategic Equity Capital plc.

James Henderson, Stuart Widdowson, Ed Bowsher


In partnership with

Henderson Global Investors
Ed Mitchell

The Investment Trust Show: Investment Trusts vs Exchange-Traded Funds

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

The Investment Trust Show

The Investment Trust Show: Investment Trusts vs Exchange-Traded Funds
James de Sausmarez heads Henderson’s investment trust and investment company team. Dice McCairn is Editor of Ed Bowsher is Share Radio's Senior Analyst

James De Sausmarez, Dice McCairn, Ed Bowsher


In partnership with

Henderson Global Investors
Ed Mitchell

The Investment Trust Show: Board Of Directors

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

The Investment Trust Show

The Investment Trust Show: Board Of Directors
Ian Barrass is joint manager of Henderson Value Trust and Richard Gubbins is Chairman of Henderson Value Trust. Ed Bowsher is Share Radio's Senior Analyst

Ian Barrass, Richard Gubbins


In partnership with

Henderson Global Investors
Glen Goodman

The Investment Trust Show: Where Only Investment Trusts Can Go

Glen Goodman
Original Broadcast:

The Investment Trust Show

The Investment Trust Show: Where Only Investment Trusts Can Go
Ian Barrass and James De Bunsen are joined Managers of Henderson Value Trust plc.

Ian Barrass, James De Bunsen


In partnership with

Henderson Global Investors
Ed Mitchell

The Investment Trust Show: Choosing The Right Investment Trust For You

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

The Investment Trust Show

The Investment Trust Show: Choosing The Right Investment Trust For You
This week with @AICPRES's Annabel Brodie-Smith @annabelbrodies, @_CharlesStanley’s Stephen Peters, and Share Radio's Senior Analyst @Edbowsher

Annabel Brodie-Smith, Stephen Peters, Ed Bowsher


In partnership with

Henderson Global Investors
Ed Mitchell

The Investment Trust Show: Investing for Retirement

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

The Investment Trust Show

The Investment Trust Show: Investing for Retirement
In the studio are James De Sausmarez from Henderson Global Investors, Dice McCairn, Editor and Analyst at Which Investment Trust, and Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher.

Dice McCairn, James De Sausmarez, Ed Bowsher


In partnership with

Henderson Global Investors
Ed Mitchell

The Investment Trust Show: Gearing

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

The Investment Trust Show

The Investment Trust Show: Gearing
Jeremy Beckwith is Director of Manager Research at Morningstar.

Jeremy Beckwith, Ed Bowsher


In partnership with

Henderson Global Investors
Ed Mitchell

The Investment Trust Show: Investing in North America

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

The Investment Trust Show

The Investment Trust Show: Investing in North America
Dice McCairn, Editor & Analyst at Which Investment Trust, Wouter Volckaert, fund manager of Henderson Global Trust plc, Ed Bowsher, Share Radio Senior Analyst joined Ed Mitchell in studio to discuss investing in North America.

Dice McCairn, Wouter Volckaert


In partnership with

Henderson Global Investors
Ed Mitchell

The Investment Trust Show: Asset Allocation

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

The Investment Trust Show

The Investment Trust Show: Asset Allocation
Wouter Volckaert is Fund Manager with Henderson Global Trust, Jeremy Beckwith is Director of Morningstar and Ed Bowsher is Share Radio's Senior Analyst.

Jeremy Beckwith, Ed Bowsher, Wouter Volckaert


In partnership with

Henderson Global Investors
Ed Mitchell

The Investment Trust Show: Investing in Small Caps

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

The Investment Trust Show

The Investment Trust Show: Investing in Small Caps
Henderson's Colin Hughes and Neil Hermon talk small-caps on the investment trust show.

Colin Hughes, Neil Hermon


In partnership with

Henderson Global Investors