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Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Hypnosis for Dealing With Stressful and Anxious Times

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Hypnosis for Dealing With Stressful and Anxious Times
Although it rarely feels like it at the time, stressful and anxious times don't last for ever. Dealing with challenging circumstances or with emotionally-draining issues puts us on edge, as the brain gets focused on what might happen next, and as it struggles to find a way of coping. Adam Cox helps you to build a sense of perspective by drawing on those times when life was — and will be — more settled, and using that experience to find a way through today's strains and stresses.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Surrendering the Warrior for a New Identity

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Surrendering the Warrior for a New Identity
Aggression very often arises from insecurity, as the desire to take an imagined reality of absolute control seeks to level the playing field: as if strength and dominance might provide a solution. It never does, in the long run. The route forward is by building personal responsibility and self-discipline, and Adam Cox helps to build this new outlook on life in this episode, rejecting 'the warrior' as the route to power and showing how to dispel intrusive, obsessive thoughts about seizing control.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: The Transformation — Hypnotic Butterfly

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: The Transformation — Hypnotic Butterfly
Adam Cox uses the extreme transformation of the caterpillar into a butterfly in order to inspire a radical transformation in attitude: leaving behind a difficult past to step into a new future of hope and opportunity.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: The Inner Child Tesseract

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: The Inner Child Tesseract
This episode is about inter-generational scarring, how it's possible to come to terms with it — and how to be aware of the risk that it can cascade through the generations if left unresolved. The challenges experienced by those with disrupted childhoods can result in undesirable coping strategies and constant struggles to prove one's worth. Adam Cox discusses how to contend with the absence of guidance or role models, using the imagery of the tesseract (the generalization of a cube to four dimensions: a concept in geometry and mathematics that serves to illustrate higher dimensions. Tesseracts are a way of showing how the fourth dimension relates to the third). Image source: Wikipedia

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: The Generosity of Self-Care

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: The Generosity of Self-Care
Caring for others, dealing with emergencies or tough times can drain a lot out of people. As Adam Cox says, you can't keep pouring from an empty cup. So this episode highlights the importance of self-care — making sure you re-build those resources and that confidence to keep going. It's about allowing the body and mind to heal: you can't make a long journey without fuel in the tank! Loving your neighbour as yourself means you need to take care of yourself in order to do your best for your neighbour: it works both ways.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: The Impact of Inspiration

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: The Impact of Inspiration
Many people have big dreams and amazing ideas, but we all know how easy it is for them to be eclipsed by everyday concerns. Great plans are often sabotaged by thoughts like 'Is it really going to happen?', causing doubts to build and that initial motivation to slip away, becoming increasingly less real and tangible. However, if those inspirations are accompanied by a 'What if?' mindset, there's a real possibility of holding on to that initial purpose and finding ways to achieve it. This episode is designed to help you with that transformation.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Unlock Your Resources to Sell

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Unlock Your Resources to Sell
This episode seeks to empower the entrepreneurial spirit, but it could also help with developing a range of skillsets across different circumstances. However for those setting out on their own after a successful sales career as an employee, it can be challenging to rediscover those tenacious and enthusiastic characteristics when you have to manage yourself. Bearing in mind that sales are usually the life-blood of a new business this episode could help those setting out to take control of their future to apply those skills in their new context.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Supercharge Your Weight Loss Journey in under 10 minutes

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Supercharge Your Weight Loss Journey in under 10 minutes
One of Adam Cox's shortest episodes, designed to help you to become motivated and resourceful in your weight loss journey — very swiftly!

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Laying the foundations for long-term weight loss

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Laying the foundations for long-term weight loss
Medium-term strategies are quite common in securing weight loss objectives, but how can they be sustained in the long-term? Adam Cox interweaves a trio of potential approaches: pre-empting potential plateaus during which progress seems to be limited, labelling hunger cravings so that they don't throw you off balance, and tapping into new resources such as regular exercise/walking.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Passing Tests

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Passing Tests
Tests of all kinds can raise your anxiety level; you may know all the answers and responses, but nervous pressure can stand in the way of a good result. This episode is based on someone approaching a driving test and who needs to feel relaxed, calm and confident — Adam Cox helps find a way through.
