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Georgie Frost

This is Money: Spreading the Jam

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Spreading the Jam
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio podcast, presented in partnership with NS&I. This week of course the top financial story was Philip Hammond’s first, and indeed last, Autumn Statement. Just what state are the country’s post-Brexit finances in, and crucially what would the Chancellor offer to help his much referenced ‘Jams’? In the end those ‘just about managing’ certainly received a few headline policies but with predictions pointing towards low growth, high borrowing and high inflation many argue Jam spending has been spread too thin. There were also some losers with those enjoying salary sacrifice perks and letting agents coming into the crosshairs, as well as in fact the Autumn Statement itself which will now be scrapped. So what will all this mean for the pound in your pocket? Georgie Frost joins editor Simon Lambert and reporter Becky Rutt to answer just that. Also on the agenda this week they discuss Black Friday and for a slightly different purchase the opportunity to buy a road legal Formula 1 car. This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost in partnership with NS&I.

Juliette Foster

Serious Money: JAMS, BLTs, EGGS & BACONS

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

Serious Money:  JAMS, BLTs, EGGS & BACONS
Share Radio teams up with Claer Barrett, personal finance editor of the Financial Times, for Serious Money. On this edition, she was joined by Share Radio's Steve Clarke as they disentangled the Autumn Statement.

Juliette Foster

The Share Centre: Ian Forrest reviews this week's market activity - Kingfisher and much more

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

The Share Centre: Ian Forrest reviews this week's market activity - Kingfisher and much more
Helal Miah, Investment Research Analyst at the Share Centre, reviews this week's stock market activity with Share Radio's Steve Clarke. They take a look back at Kingfisher,Compass & Marstons. They also look ahead to Merlin Entertainments, Sage & RPC.

Michael Considine

The Business of Sport: The curious case of Neymar's transfer

Michael Considine
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

The Business of Sport: The curious case of Neymar's transfer
This is The Business of Sport with Share Radio's Michael Considine. Each week he provides you with the inside track on the world of sport. On this week's edition, Michael takes a look at the curious case of the transfer of Brazilian star Neymar from Santos to Barcelona - he speaks to Andrew Osborne from Lewis Silkin to investigate. He'll also be taking a look at how the infrastructure of sport is privately funded with Michael Broughton of Sports Investment Partners. And of course, Joe Aldridge will have Extra Time.

Georgie Frost

Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher on The News Review 25/11/16

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

 Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher on The News Review 25/11/16
Georgie Frost is joined in the studio by Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher. On the agenda today, they discuss the big story - today is Black Friday. Estimates suggest we could spend as much as 2-billion pounds in today's sales - which would make it the biggest shopping day of the year. But are the deals as good as they seem? Elsewhere, we're raking up debt at the fastest rate since 2008. Plus, despite many campaigns, two-thirds of households are yet to change energy providers, while three-quarters of homeowners lose thousands of pounds every year by failing to switch their mortgage. All these stories and more on The News Review.

Ed Bowsher

Nigel Cassidy

Safeway and Austin Reed to return to the high street – Richard Perks explained the comeback

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Safeway and Austin Reed to return to the high street – Richard Perks explained the comeback
Black Friday is on and bargain hunting shoppers may spend an estimated £2 billion trying to beat expected new year price rises. And according to the online retailing association IMRG, well over half the spend will be done online. So it might seem surprising to find that two old pre-internet age stores are being revived on the High Street. Safeway and Austin Reed are both staging a comeback, so Matt Cox has been hearing from Mintel’s Retail Analyst, Richard Perks, about the return of these old names.

Matt Cox, Richard Perks

Nigel Cassidy

European Parliament President Martin Schulz will not seek a third term

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

European Parliament President Martin Schulz will not seek a third term
The European Parliament's President, Martin Schulz, is to run for election in the German parliament next year, instead of seeking a third term leading MEPs. And his replacement could matter for Britain. Politico Europe's Ryan Heath said it could well be the former Belgian prime minister, who's currently due to lead the EU in the Brexit negotiations. Ryan spoke to Share Radio’s Nigel Cassidy from Brussels.

Ryan Heath

Nigel Cassidy

“This is a time Theresa May can probably afford to get some political heat from business”

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

“This is a time Theresa May can probably afford to get some political heat from business”
Josh Lowe of Newsweek joined Share Radio Breakfast for his politics round-up. There are calls for Prime Minister Theresa May to reverse her flagship boardroom reforms on executive pay. Company bosses and the Bank of England’s Chief Economist have suggested such intervention will damage the motivation and retention of good business leaders. Josh offered his view on this, as well as the reports that former Prime Minister Tony Blair wants to help block Britain's exit from the EU.

Paul Sedgwick, Josh Lowe

Nigel Cassidy

Chinese online travel agent Ctrip agrees to acquire Skyscanner

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Chinese online travel agent Ctrip agrees to acquire Skyscanner
Leading Chinese online travel agent Ctrip has agreed to acquire the price comparison site Skyscanner for approximately £1.4 billion. Under the terms of the agreement, Skyscanner’s current management team will continue to manage its operations independently as part of the Ctrip group. Our correspondent in Scotland, Maurice Smith, has been looking into the deal.

Paul Sedgwick, Maurice Smith

Nigel Cassidy

Alastair Douglas looks at the BBA's latest high street banking lending statistics

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Alastair Douglas looks at the BBA's latest high street banking lending statistics
Official figures from the British Bankers' Association (BBA) show that consumer credit expanded last month at the fastest pace in nearly ten years. Mortgage approvals meanwhile hit a five-month high. Alastair Douglas is the Chief of, the price comparison site focusing on credit cards, loans and mortgages. Alastair has been digesting these latest borrowing trends and he joined Share Radio to delve into the findings.

Paul Sedgwick, Alastair Douglas
