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Georgie Frost

Mark Driscoll from Forum of the Future on what Flexitariansim is

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Mark Driscoll from Forum of the Future on what Flexitariansim is
Many people around Britain are cutting back on how much meat they eat. This is down to concerns over meat's effect on health, the environment and animal welfare. It's a trend known as Flexitarianism, or semi-vegetarianism, and is said to be a step towards a healthier and more sustainable planet. Our reporter Frey Lindsay spoke to Mark Driscoll from Forum of the Future to explain what exactly Flexitariansim is, and how it will impact us.

Mark Driscoll

Juliette Foster

The Motley Fool Money Show: Clouds part over Microsoft

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Motley Fool Show

The Motley Fool Money Show: Clouds part over Microsoft
Want to keep up with the latest earnings updates from the States? We join Chris Hill and the Motley Fool Radio Show team here on Share Radio - direct from Washington DC each Monday at 2 o'clock for news, views and analysis of US stock markets. On today's episode: Microsoft profits outdo expectations, pizza & donuts, and Chris speaks to Roger Lowenstein about his new book 'America's Bank: The Epic Struggle to Create the Federal Reserve'

Georgie Frost

Richard Parkin from Fidelity on new state pension proposals

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Richard Parkin from Fidelity on new state pension proposals
Should we take our state pension early? Under new government proposals, we all could be given that choice. A new report has outlined changes that could move the state pension age up or even allow people to take their pension early. To find out, Share Radio reporter, Tom Hill, spoke to Richard Parkin from Fidelity.

Juliette Foster

Conversations from Africa: Gordhan's shadow

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Conversations From Africa

Conversations from Africa: Gordhan's shadow
Storyteller and financial journalist Chris Bishop speaks to Share Radio's Alex Clark to take you across the continent of Africa from his desk in Johannesburg. On today's programme: Pravin Gordhan prepares to deliver his mid-term budget for South Africa under the shadow of court summons. If the possibility of fraud charges for a Finance Minister weren't enough, the African National Congress elites are also facing resignation calls from the ruling party's Chief Whip. Also on the show: Chris and Alex return to the Congo's constitutional crisis. And Chris tells the story of South Africa's illegal gold miners. For more stories from Chris, check out last week’s episode:

Georgie Frost

Joanna Faith, editor of, on The News Review 24/10/16

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Joanna Faith, editor of, on The News Review 24/10/16
Georgie Frost is joined in the studio Joanna Faith, editor of On the agenda today, Chancellor Philip Hammond has declared he is considering dropping the autumn statement in order to reduce the treasury's role in government. Elsewhere, shocking new figures have claimed a quarter of us have as little as £1 in their bank account by pay day. And contactless technology has meant that consumers now prefer to use debit cards to make payments instead of hard cash. All these stories and more on The News Review.

Joanna Faith

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Do you pay more by submitting your tax returns digitally?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money

Morning Money: Do you pay more by submitting your tax returns digitally?
There are just seven days to go before the deadline to submit paper tax returns. But with HMRC aiming for a fully digital tax service by 2020, rushing to file your tax return before 31 October will soon be a thing of the past. Yet new analysis suggests that taxpayers who pay their taxes digitally may end up paying more than they are supposed to. Share Radio's Robert Van Egghen spoke to Mike Hodges, tax partner at chartered accountants Saffrey Champness, about whether the move to digital was welcome.

Robert Van Egghen, Mike Hodges

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Brexit on the other side of the channel

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money

Morning Money: Brexit on the other side of the channel
A lot of business attention on Brexit has been around how it might affect the UK politically and economically. But what about on the other side of the channel? With a report claiming that a lack of a trade deal would cost our present partners £13 billion a year in tariffs, Matt Cox reports on how the European Union and its member states may be affected by the UK’s exit.

Matt Cox, Ryan Heath, Howard Archer

Linda Lewis (1)

Company Casebook: The British Small Business Awards

Linda Lewis (1)
Original Broadcast:

Company Casebook

Company Casebook: The British Small Business Awards
Linda meets some of the winners at the first British Small Business Awards, organised by, in association with the Federation of Small Businesses.

Linda Lewis (1)

Company Casebook: Legal Cost Finance

Linda Lewis (1)
Original Broadcast:

Company Casebook

Company Casebook: Legal Cost Finance
This week Linda meets the team behind Legal Cost Finance, a new venture with the simple aim of securing access to legal services for everyone. It's set up an innovative payment solution which spreads your legal costs over a fixed term.

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: The TUC and the self-employed, Enterprise Rockers and micro-business, how robotics could affect our attitudes to workers and why does business so often fail at good management?

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: The TUC and the self-employed, Enterprise Rockers and micro-business, how robotics could affect our attitudes to workers and why does business so often fail at good management?
This week Nick talks to Hannah Reed of the TUC on how self-employed workers' rights, Tony Robinson of Enterprise Rockers, former LibDem MP and founder of the Equal Power consultancy Jo Swinson and Jane Chesters of Orion Partners HR consultancy on why business often fails to implement good management practices.
