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Simon Rose

Gadgets and Gizmos - Episode 30

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Gadgets and Gizmos

Gadgets and Gizmos - Episode 30
Gadgets and Gizmos with Share Radio's technology editor Steve Caplin.

Steve Caplin

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Living to work or working to live?

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Living to work or working to live?
The question of working to live or living to work is one everyone has heard at some point during their career. Today Nick is discussing the idea with Lorna Finlayson, author of the book "The Political Is Political"

Lorna Finlayson

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Automating menial jobs

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Automating menial jobs
Nick Peters talks to Sir Cary Cooper, about the idea of getting machines to do all the menial jobs, freeing up a large portion of the workforce to commit to more exciting endeavours.

Cary Cooper

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Emotional Intelligence

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Emotional Intelligence
Geetu Bharwaney joins Nick Peters to discuss her book "Emotional Resilience: Know What it Takes to be Agile, Adaptable and Perform at Your Best" and talk about the ideas of emotional intelligence within business.

Geetu Bharwaney

Matthew Cook

Charity Showcase: The Passage

Matthew Cook
Original Broadcast:

Charity Showcase

Charity Showcase: The Passage
Matthew Cook visits The Passage, London’s largest voluntary sector resource centre for homeless and vulnerable people. Matthew talks to the team to find out how they are helping London's rough sleepers.

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: The Fear Free Organisation

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: The Fear Free Organisation
Nick Peters talks to Joan Kingsley, Co-Author of "The Fear Free Organisation" about her book and the idea of fear in the workplace.

Joan Kinglsey

Colin Bloom

Share Politics: James Bloodworth

Colin Bloom
Original Broadcast:

Share Politics

Share Politics: James Bloodworth
Colin Bloom talks to James Bloodworth from Left Foot Forward, an evidence based political blog, about the Labour leadership campaign, and Jeremy Corbyns recent surge in popularity.

James Bloodworth

Sarah Pennells (1)

Women And Money: Sandwich Generation

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Women & Money

Women And Money: Sandwich Generation
Sarah Pennells is joined in the studio by three experts from My Family Care, Silverman and Sherliker and Russell Cooke to discuss the challenges facing people in the 'sandwich generation', people who are caring for their parents and their children at the same time.

Ben Black, Jennie Kreser, Fudia Smartt

Sarah Pennells (1)

Young Money: Renting Crisis

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Young Money

Young Money: Renting Crisis
Sarah Pennells is joined in the studio by personal finance reporter Katie Morley, and experts from the National Landlords Associate, Generation Rent, Camelot and the Money Advice Service to discuss the renting crisis facing young people.

Katie Morely, Richard Blanco, Seb Klier, Nicholas Donnelly, Nick Hill

Sarah Pennells (1)

Ask Sarah: Leasehold Property

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Ask Sarah

Ask Sarah: Leasehold Property
Sarah Pennells is joined in the studio by two leasehold property experts and on the phone by the Leasehold Advisory Service to tackle your questions about leasehold property on Ask Sarah.

Sharon Crossland, Michelle Banks, Tony Essien
