Consuming Issues: The average UK office worker sits 10 hours each day, so what are the health risks? Listen to Gavin Bradley from Active Working

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  • Consuming Issues: The average UK office worker sits 10 hours each day, so what are the health risks? Listen to Gavin Bradley from Active Working - 27 Apr 16
Georgie Frost

Consuming Issues: The average UK office worker sits 10 hours each day, so what are the health risks? Listen to Gavin Bradley from Active Working

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Consuming Issues: The average UK office worker sits 10 hours each day, so what are the health risks? Listen to Gavin Bradley from Active Working
The average UK office worker sits 10 hours each day, with almost 70% of sitting taking place at work and 73 per cent only leaving their desk for toilet or tea breaks. And new scientific findings indicate we may be at risk of multiple health risks. Gavin Bradley, Founding Director of Active Working CiC, runs an event that is happening on Friday - 'On Your Feet Britain' in order to inform on the health risks of sedentary working cultures .

Gavin Bradley


Topics: Careers (in Work)

Strand: Consuming Issues

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