Digital Editor of Pensions Insight and Engaged Investor Sara Benwell on the News Review 22/07/16

Georgie Frost

Digital Editor of Pensions Insight and Engaged Investor Sara Benwell on the News Review 22/07/16

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Digital Editor of Pensions Insight and Engaged Investor Sara Benwell on the News Review 22/07/16
Time once again for the Consuming Issues news review, with Georgie Frost and is joined by Digital Editor of Pensions Insight and Engaged Investor, Sara Benwel. And today, they look at the MPs committee who condemned Sports Direct, for making their employees work in condition like a 'Victorian Workhouse'. And, Sainsbury's have the go ahead to purchase Argos. Plus, the Government is under pressure to sort out the Southern Rail debacle. All this and more, on Consuming Issues, every day from 9am to Midday, right here on Share Radio.

Sara Benwell


Topics: UK (in Economics); Corporate Standards (in Ethics & Morality)

Strand: Consuming Issues

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