Consuming Issues: the Team from Money Fight Club joins @GECFrost in the studio to talk on supermarkets and retail sales tactics

Georgie Frost

Consuming Issues: the Team from Money Fight Club joins @GECFrost in the studio to talk on supermarkets and retail sales tactics

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Consuming Issues: the Team from Money Fight Club joins @GECFrost in the studio to talk on supermarkets and retail sales tactics
Today the founders of Money Fight Club -Lindsay Cook and Anne Caborn- enter the ring to talk about supermarkets and retail sales tactics. This comes after Asda has been ordered by the advertising watchdog to ensure future sales promotions don’t mislead us about how much we are saving. This was after they had given a written a commitment to alter its promotions, just days ago. It’s not just supermarkets though, with all retailers looking for the best way to get consumers money.

Anne Caborn,Lindsay Cook


Topics: UK (in Economics)

Strand: Consuming Issues

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