How will Brexit impact the tech industry?

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  • How will Brexit impact the tech industry? - 30 Mar 17
Georgie Frost

How will Brexit impact the tech industry?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

How will Brexit impact the tech industry?
With Article 50 triggered and the Brexit process underway what next for the UK's tech industry? There's been a 10% reduction of skilled tech workers from within the EU relocating to the UK over the last year and even homegrown talent has been moving elsewhere. Share Radio's James Brydges spoke to James Parsons, CEO and founder of resourcing solutions company, the Arrows Group, about the impact of Brexit.

James Brydges


Topics: Tablets & Mobile, Gadgets & Gizmos, Apps (in Technology); UK, Europe (in Politics); USA, UK, Eurozone (in Economics)

Strand: Share Radio Morning

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