Motley Fool Money: Mid-Year Review, Stocks with Upside Potential 1/7

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  • Motley Fool Money: Mid-Year Review, Stocks with Upside Potential 1/7 - 02 Jul 22
Motley Fool Money

Motley Fool Money: Mid-Year Review, Stocks with Upside Potential 1/7

Motley Fool Money
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Motley Fool Show

Motley Fool Money: Mid-Year Review, Stocks with Upside Potential 1/7
Halfway through 2022 it's time for investors to see where we've been and what to look for in the 2nd half of the year. Ron Gross and Jason Moser discuss investing headlines for the 1st half of the year, early frontrunners for "CEO of the Year", who needs a stronger 2nd half of 2022, and three stocks poised for upside. Also, we're dipping into the vault for one of our favourite conversations. Recorded in front of a live audience, best-selling author David Epstein discusses Tiger Woods, predictors of success in the business world, and other takeaways from his book 'Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World'. Stocks discussed on the show: PFE, TTD, SBUX, TWTR, TGT, DIS, NFLX, DOCU, ADBE, MSFT, ZM, MAR, ABNB, UBER. Host - Chris Hill; Guests - Jason Moser, Ron Gross, David Epstein

David Epstein


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