Shop Floor : Discrimination, learning programmes, Zero hour contracts and executive pay

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  • Shop Floor : Discrimination, learning programmes, Zero hour contracts and executive pay - 18 Sep 16
Nick Peters

Shop Floor : Discrimination, learning programmes, Zero hour contracts and executive pay

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor : Discrimination, learning programmes, Zero hour contracts and executive pay
This week Nick spoke with Nick Tyrone of think tank Radix about their publication of proposals that tackle the ongoing discrimination women over 50 suffer in the workplace. Also Nick spoke with the founder and CEO of the Learning and Development company Towards Maturity Laura Overton discussing how she believes not enough companies are paying attention to deploying formal learning programmes for their people. Then Nick looks to New Zealand to investigate their unions campaigns against zero hours contracts. Speaking with Ben Patterson of Unite New Zealand he finds out how they fought the trend of Zero hour contracts in New Zealand. And finally Nick spoke with Ben Chu, the economics editor at the independent about data from the USA and the UK that demonstrates that even when predicated on performance, executive pay is effectively bulletproof.


Topics: Adult (in Financial Education)

Strand: Share Sunday

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