Why is having a positive credit history is important? Listen to Lisa Hardstaff from EQUIFAX

Sue Dougan

Why is having a positive credit history is important? Listen to Lisa Hardstaff from EQUIFAX

Sue Dougan
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Why is having a positive credit history is important? Listen to Lisa Hardstaff from EQUIFAX
Having a positive credit history is important, whether applying for a mortgage, car finance or a credit card. However, research by he consumer credit reporting agency Equifax has found that there is a distinct lack of knowledge when it comes to credit report information. There is also little known about how it can influence someone's score. This is a must listen as Lisa Hardstaff, Equifax Credit Information Expert, is joined by our own senior analyst, Ed Bowsher, in studio with Sue Dougan as they explore all angles on credit reports.

Ed Bowsher,Lisa Hardstaff


Topics: UK (in Economics)

Strand: Consuming Issues

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