The Hypnotist: Releasing the Pressure Cooker of Unworthiness

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  • The Hypnotist: Releasing the Pressure Cooker of Unworthiness - 05 Jul 24
Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Releasing the Pressure Cooker of Unworthiness

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Releasing the Pressure Cooker of Unworthiness
When a gruelling six-week campaign results in rejection, as with nearly 300 Conservative and SNP MPs, it may well result in a sense of being overwhelmed, at your wit's end: stressed, unworthy, depleted of your own resources. Adam Cox uses the pressure cooker metaphor to help release some of that baggage from the past. Don't let it push you over the edge — replace that stress with something useful.


Topics: Mindfulness Topic (in Mindfulness)

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