'The more Tony Blair speaks, the more he encourages Brexit': Telegraph's Asa Bennett on former PM's call for remainer uprising

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  • 'The more Tony Blair speaks, the more he encourages Brexit': Telegraph's Asa Bennett on former PM's call for remainer uprising - 17 Feb 17
Ed Bowsher

'The more Tony Blair speaks, the more he encourages Brexit': Telegraph's Asa Bennett on former PM's call for remainer uprising

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

'The more Tony Blair speaks, the more he encourages Brexit': Telegraph's Asa Bennett on former PM's call for remainer uprising
Tony Blair has called for remainers to 'rise up' if they don't like the eventual Brexit deal - but is this coming far too late from the former PM? The Telegraph's assistant comment editor Asa Bennett says Blair doesn't have 'a lifetime license to pontificate on whatever he likes'. But is there a better figurehead for remainers? Share Radio's Ed Bowsher was joined by Asa Bennett for the latest in UK politics.


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