This is Money: How to save enough for a richer retirement

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  • This is Money: How to save enough for a richer retirement - 03 Apr 18
Georgie Frost

This is Money: How to save enough for a richer retirement

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: How to save enough for a richer retirement
Building up a pension was once relatively simple, for each year you worked for a company it promised to pay you some money in retirement. The death of the final salary scheme put paid to that and now most people must invest into a pension instead - with their work helping out. But while it is tempting to put off a pension and think you have more pressing financial matters to deal with, that's a mistake. The earlier you start and the more you pay in, the greater your chance of having a richer retirement. On this week's podcast, Simon Lambert, Lee Boyce and Georgie Frost talk pensions.

Simon Lambert,Lee Boyce


Topics: UK (in Economics)

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