This Is Money: What you need to know about pensions with Steve Webb

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  • This Is Money: What you need to know about pensions with Steve Webb - 21 Sep 24
Georgie Frost

This Is Money: What you need to know about pensions with Steve Webb

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: What you need to know about pensions with Steve Webb
Sir Steve Webb has been This is Money's pensions agony uncle for the past eight years - and this week he celebrated an astonishing 400 columns. Every week, Steve, in partnership with This is Money's pensions and investing editor Tanya Jefferies, answers readers' questions about retirement. Steve joins Georgie Frost and Simon Lambert to answer your questions about pensions. From how to invest for retirement, to the state pension and tax , this show highlights what you need to know about pensions. Plus, with the Budget on the way and speculation at fever pitch, Steve, Simon and Georgie debate what might happen - and share their views on what should happen. Don't miss this essential podcast that could set you up for a richer retirement.

Sir Steve Webb


Topics: Planning for Retirement, Personal Pensions, Workplace, SIPPs (in Pensions & Retirement)

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