Your daily digest of money news from @shareradiouk with @GECFrost and Ed Bowsher!

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  • Your daily digest of money news from @shareradiouk with @GECFrost and Ed Bowsher! - 13 Apr 16
Georgie Frost

Your daily digest of money news from @shareradiouk with @GECFrost and Ed Bowsher!

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

 Your daily digest of money news from @shareradiouk with @GECFrost and Ed Bowsher!
Ed Bowsher, Share’s personal finance expert, joins Georgie in the studio for a look at the big stories of the day #TESCO profits #Energy prices #PPI #BuyToLet #rents rise

Ed Bowsher


Topics: UK (in Economics)

Strand: Consuming Issues

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